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Scoto > FRESH Milk
FReSH Milk


FreshMilk is an ready-to-go milk delivery app that can be adapted to suit any milk brand and carry features they want. The app gives a hassle-free and convenient delivery system right at your doorstep. Automate your online milk delivery operation & let your client customize a schedule according to their needs.  


FreshMilk is an ready-to-go milk delivery app that can be adapted to suit any milk brand and carry features they want. The app gives a hassle-free and convenient delivery system right at your doorstep. Automate your online milk delivery operation & let your client customize a schedule according to their needs.




Easy Login & Registration using OTP

Set Delivery Location

Search & View Dairy Products

Offers & Referral Codes

Secured Online Payment

Order History, Repeat Order, View Order Status

Subscription option to set a delivery schedule for items that you use regularly

Text messages for drop-off confirmations, subscription paused

Resumed or any other information related to the delivery.

Customized notifications

Live Tracking

Help & Support

How it works
Topup& start
Just register with your basic details and top-up your frshmilk wallet with any pre-defined amount.
Set order
Create a repeat order or order anytime till midnight from a wide selection of 5000+ products for all or any of your daily needs.
We deliver
Our excellent delivery team will place your order at your doorstep.
Most Hassle-free Delivery System
With your needs in mind, freshmilk is designed to provide extreme convenience and comfort right at your doorstep, same time every day.
Manage your expense
Keep a tab on your daily expenses and also a consolidated view of spendings over the last week or month.
Set vacation time offers
Off for a vacation? Just set the vacation start and end dates and we won’t deliver on those dates.
Create repeat orders
Like to buy butter every week? Or ketchup only once a month? Set your orders to repeat only when you need them.
Daily deliveries
We come to your doorstep every morning, early morning – so you always get the deliveries within the comfort of your home.

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